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Glossary Term: englisch

Attendee online

Person who attends an event online or virtually, but is not present in person. Thus, participation takes place at a hybrid or virtual event.

CO2 handprint

The handprint is a measure of actions that aim to reduce the human footprint and make the world more sustainable. It symbolises and measures our positive actions towards sustainability and stands for caring and working together for a sustainable future. While the footprint measures the pressure on the earth’s resources, the handprint shows what we can do to restore the balance between consumption and the carrying capacity of the planet.

The handprint stands for: Measures & Projects, Tool for Calculation, Commitment, Caring Attitude and Networking & Collaboration.


Average duration (arithmetic mean) of all events with 20 participants or more in a venue (with one decimal digit, e.g. 1.4)


One 3-day event in several rooms is counted as ONE event (of three days in several rooms). Events are attended by 20 participants or more.

Hybrid event

Event where participants can choose whether to attend on-site (i.e. by attending in person) – or digitally, e.g. via live streams to the sessions and/or via participation via webinar functions.

These events combine face-to-face events with virtual components, e.g. the connection of virtual speakers, voting with real-time evaluation, the use of QR codes for additional information and the provision of images and videos after the event.